Zero Emission Waterborne Transport
The Co-Programmed Partnership on Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport is a Partnership in the framework of Horizon Europe.
The Partnership will provide and demonstrate zero-emission solutions for all main ship types and services before 2030, which will enable zero-emission waterborne transport before 2050.
In addition, the Partnership will:
- Develop and demonstrate deployable technological solutions which will be applicable for the decarbonisation and the elimination of other harmfull emissions of main ship types and services;
- Facilitate the implementation of economically viable European new technologies and concepts regarding zero-emission waterborne transport, to strengthen the competitiveness of european industries in growing green ship technology markets and provide the capability to re-enter markets presently dominated by Europe’s competitors;
- Facilitate the development and implementation of regulations and policies at national and international level, including the development of standards to enable the implementation of technological solutions for zero-emission waterborne transport by 2030 at the latest;
- Facilitate the uptake of innovative zero-emission waterborne transport technologies and solutions within the European waterborne sector, supporting economic growth and european employment.
The following documents lay the basis of the cPP on Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport:
- Partnership Proposal for Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport;
- The results of the Open Consultation regarding the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda;
- The updated version of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
- The Memorandum of Understanding
Research call topics are announced annually by the European Commission. These topics are based upon expert input and public consultations undertaken by the Waterborne TP.
In response to the call topics interested organisations form consortia and submit proposals which are then independently evaluated. Following evaluation, a project is assigned a percentage of funding from the European Union with the rest of the funding and resources coming from the members of the project consortium. The first calls for proposals in the framework of the Partnership have been launched in June 2021.
Would your organisation be interested to be part of the transition towards zero-emission waterborne transport, or you would have questions, please contact the Waterborne TP by sending an e-mail to: