SimFWD is an Engineering, Development & Application Company providing customers with integrated design and engineering services in Maritime / Offshore and Shipbuilding projects, with vessels of different types and size. Our range of services starts from the concept idea until the ship is put in service and continues through life-cycle services as maintenance, repair and conversion. We have the ability to address all steps of the design and engineering process with high quality. Our background in Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE), Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in the Maritime industry has encouraged the development and application of simulation methods to solve the most demanding engineering problems.

SimFWD head offices are located in Athens, Greece. Our location allows us to have strong relationships with numerous Shipping Companies, Suppliers and Maritime Experts in the Maritime Cluster. Our company has an active in-house R&D framework in order to offer its customer new products adapted to upcoming technologies.

Our range of services starts from the concept idea until the ship is put in service and continues through life-cycle service as maintenance, repair and conversion. We have the ability to address the all steps of the design and engineering processes with high quality. Concept Design is the starting point of the project where we define main characteristics with the aid of state of the art software and statistical databases. Basic Design is then developed according to national and international rules and verified by advanced engineering analyses. Detailed Design comprises all engineering and construction documentation for the Shipyard. Finally, Engineering Management services include supervision, management, budgeting and operational works of the project assuring quality and schedule.

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